Over 65 people attended the FOBH AGM on Saturday. The Chairman and Treasurer’s reports were presented and accepted and the current committee was re-elected en bloc. The Chairman mentioned in her report that whilst in Stratford upon Avon she had visited New Place, Shakespeare’s home for many years, and was amazed at the bronze sculpture of Box Hill’s well known Hawthorn tree which is sadly no more on Box Hill but lives on in spirit at New Place.
Reports were then presented by the NT Lead Ranger, Mark Dawson, the Box Hill Ranger, David Benjamins, and the Box Hill Education Officer, Catherine McCusker.
At the end of the AGM the Friends were asked to approve giving life membership of the Friends to David Kennington, NT General Manager for the Surrey Hills, who is about to retire and has been a strong supporter of FOBH during his long career at NT. Approval was unanimous. The Chairman said that a full appreciation of David’s contribution to Box Hill would be made at the FOBH Summer BBQ in June.
Following a short break for the traditional tea and cakes the Head of the Field Studies Council London Region, Simon Ward, gave an excellent presentation of the work of the FSC and how it has grown over their 70 years at Juniper Hall. He pointed out how the landscape, flora and fauna, and location of Box Hill made it an extremely popular location for FSC visitors from around the world.