This is a reminder of the NT, FOBH and Heritage Open Days events that are coming up in the next couple of months, starting this weekend. These are outlined below. The “My life Tree Trail” has been very popular and has had good feedback from some of the Friends and families who have walked it. This will be taken down early next week so if you want to see it you will need to visit before Tuesday. Two members of the FOBH, Sir Brian Unwin and Sue Tatham, are also giving talks in Mickleham as part of the Heritage Open Days events and these are also outlined below with the appropriate link for anyone interested in attending.
National Trust Events
My Life Tree Trail, 22nd July to 10th September. This trail will be taken down next Tuesday 12th September.
Follow a self-guided trail around the play trail showing species and ages of tree and what was happening in the world when some of Box Hill’s most notable species were just saplings.
Box Hill Literary Walk and Talk, Sunday 10th and Wednesday 13th September, 11.00 – 12.30hrs
Hear about some of the interesting and sometimes spicy creatives associated with Box Hill. Meet in front of the Box Hill Cafe at 11.00hrs wearing sensible footwear and outdoor clothing. This is part of the Heritage Open Days Events. The two walks will have different content.
“Wonder Dusk” (previously called Harvest) 16th September, 18.30 – 20.00hrs.
A guided walk around the Play Trail with artists and performers, finishing with an illuminated art installation in a tree canopy on the Donkey Green.
Forest Bathing – Mindfulness in Nature, 14th October and 18th November 09.00 – 11.30hrs
A slow relaxing sensory journey designed to calm the body and mind.
Mickleham Heritage Open Days Events
Fanny Burney and the Surrey Connection – Friday 15th September 19.00 – 20.00 hrs
St Michael and All Angels Church, Old London Road, Mickleham, Dorking, Surrey RH5 6DU
Fanny Burney (1752-1840) was a successful playwright, novelist and diarist. This talk by Sir Brian Unwin, will document her early life, marriage to General Alexandre de Arblay and will take place in the church in which she was married.
Mickleham’s Other Creative People – 17th September, 15.00 -16.00hrs
St Michael and All Angels Church, Old London Road, Mickleham, Dorking, Surrey RH5 6DU
This talk by Sue Tatham, will highlight some of Mickleham’s creative people other than Fanny Burney. Considering creativity in its broadest sense this talk will focus on some of the possibly less well known people who made their mark on society in their day and others whose legacy lives on.
FOBH Event
Archaeology Walk – Saturday 14th October, 10.30am
James Brown, NT Archaeologist for London and the Southeast, will lead us on a walk to visit many of the archaeological features found on Box Hill. We will meet in front of the Café at 10.30am. More details will be given nearer the time.